
The aim is to foster an understanding of international institutionalism and multilateralism among students, through experiential learning & sparring as delegates. The topics will pertain to transnational concerns from the contemporary period, covering both traditional and non-traditional security issues.

Committee Experts

UNGA (Intergovernmental Negotiations)

Prof. (Dr.) Vesselin Popovski

Professor & Vice Dean and Executive Director, Centre for the Study of United Nations. Prof. was a Doctoral Student at King’s College, London and simultaneously a Research Fellow at the NATO Academic Programme “Democratic Institutions” . Before coming to India, between 2004 and 2014, Vesselin Popovski was Senior Academic Officer at the United Nations University in Tokyo. After 2007 he was Head of its Peace and Governance Programme, and after 2010 also Head of the UNU Press.


Discussing reform of the United Nations Security Council.

United Nations Security Council

Prof. Pankaj Jha

Prof. (Dr.) Pankaj Jha is Professor & Dean (Research) at Jindal School of International Affairs (JSIA). Dr. Pankaj Jha was Director (Research) with Indian Council of World Affairs for more than two and half years. He had worked as Deputy Director with National Security Council Secretariat (2012-2013) and was closely associated with national security apparatus in India. He has been a member of high-level delegations to the UK, Israel, and other countries.



Discussing the Russia – Ukraine war with special Emphasis on averting the risk of a global nuclear conflict

United Nations Commission on Status of Women

Prof. (Dr.) Saumya Uma

Prof. (Dr.) Saumya Uma is a Professor at Jindal Global Law School and heads its Centre for Women’s Rights. She has over 28 years’ combined work experience as an academic, law researcher, lawyer, trainer, writer and campaigner on gender, law and human rights.






Discussing solutions to challenges in women’s economic empowerment in business sector and fostering gender equitable entrepreneurial endeavors in the new world of work.

All India Political Parties Meet

Dr. Suruchi Mazumdar

Dr. Suruchi Mazumdar (PhD., Nanyang Technological University Singapore) joined the department after having held research positions in Asia and the United States. Suruchi has teaching & research interests in the areas of political and international communication with a focus on comparative media & politics; regional media cultures; & global digital politics and labour in India & China. Her recent articles have been published in the peer-reviewed International Journal of Communication & the Journalism journals.


Freedom of speech and expression in Indian with special reference to censorship of social media platform.

Conference of Parties (COP) -28

Prof. (Dr.) Cosmin I. Corendea

Prof. (Dr.) Corendea is credited for his seminal book called Legal Protection of the Sinking Islands Refugees (2016), and for initiating and developing the ‘International Hybrid Law’ concept (2007), which synergizes human rights, environmental and refugee/migration law in international climate law. Prior to this, Prof. Corendea worked at the United Nations University in Germany, and he has also served as Lecturer at University of Bonn in Germany.








Discussing the equitable phase – down of fossil fuel production and use in compliance with the Glasgow pact commitments.

G20 meeting of finance ministers & Central bank governors

Prof. (Dr.) Mohan Kumar

Ambassador Prof. (Dr.) Mohan Kumar has an outstanding career in the Indian Foreign Service lasting 36 years which culminated in his being India’s Ambassador to France based in Paris. Under his watch, the Indo-French strategic partnership was strengthened & consolidated further in spheres such as defense, space, nuclear & solar energy, smart cities, and investment. Ambassador Dr. Mohan Kumar also has strategic understanding of India’s ties with some of her key neighbor’s such as Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, & Maldives. He oversaw India’s ties with these countries as Joint Secretary and Head of the Division at the Ministry of External Affairs.


Discussing the crises in food security and energy price inflation considering post pandemic economic recovery.