Expected Cutoff for JEE Advanced 2020

Expected Cutoff for JEE Advanced 2020
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Expected Cutoff For JEE Advanced 2020

Cutoff for JEE is the base denotes that are required to qualify the test. Candidates who score more or equivalent to JEE Advanced 2020 cut off will be viewed as qualified. These certified applicants will be listed in the regular position list of JEE Advanced. 

Competitors need to qualify JEE Advanced cutoff 2020 separately for every one of the three subjects and furthermore total for each of the three subjects to qualify the test. Candidates who will qualify JEE Advanced will be qualified for admission in IITs.

JEE 2020 will be based on the former pattern of conducting them into two different shifts in may 17,2020. For the answer key, for this year visit us here at Eduswami after the JEE exam is done. 


Features of JEE Advanced Cut Off 2020: 

Alongside cut off, merit rundown of qualified up-and-comers is additionally discharged. 

JEE Advanced Cut off will be announced in the type of Opening and Closing Ranks for each participating institution. 

In order to score a seat, the candidates need to score an above average rank for better chances of getting accepted in colleges and universities. Expected Cutoff For JEE Advanced 2020.

The seat allotment will be exclusively founded on classification insightful All India Ranks (AIR) in JEE Advanced 2020. 

Rank records will be set up for every one of the participating institutes individually. The minimum recommended marks are likewise to be announced in class insightful.


JEE Advanced 2020 Cut Off:

Candidates will be given the data about JEE Advanced 2020 cutoff when it will be released by IIT Delhi. 

The cut off of JEE Advanced 2020 is the base imprints required by the aspirant in every one of the three subjects and furthermore in total so as to be equipped for the basic position list. 

Candidates qualifying JEE Advanced cutoff will be viewed as qualified for affirmation in IITs. 

JEE Advanced Cut off rundown will be diverse for various classifications. 

Cut off rundown will contain the Minimum Percentage of Marks in Each Subject and Minimum Percentage of Aggregate Marks.  Expected cutoff for JEE advanced 2020.

JEE Advanced 2020 Registration will begin from the first seven day stretch of May and the exam date is May 17, 2020.


Factors which will affect JEE advanced 2020 cutoff:

The cut off of JEE Advanced is set after taking into account a lot of different factors like the total number of students participating in the exam, the complexity of the exam, Seat Matrix of colleges cutoff trend of the previous year and candidates’ performance in JEE Advanced.

To better understand the cutoff list it is wise to study the previous year data to better comprehend the expected cutoff for JEE advanced 2020.


JEE Advanced Cut Off 2019  (Qualifying)

These are the minimum marks in each subject and minimum percentage of aggregate marks for 2019 JEE Advanced.


Rank ListMinimum percentage of marks in each subjectMinimum percentage of aggregate marks
Common rank list (CRL)10.035.0
OBC-NCL rank list9.031.5
SC rank list5.017.5
ST rank list5.017.5
Common-PwD rank list (CRL-PwD)5.017.5
OBC-NCL-PwD rank list5.017.5
SC-PwD rank list5.017.5
ST-PwD rank list5.017.5
Preparatory course rank list2.58.75


Looking deeper into the pattern of JEE Advanced Cut off (Qualifying) list we can see a shift in minimum aggregate for the year 2018, 2019 and 2020.

Furthermore looking at the Opening and Closing Ranks JEE Advanced 2018 we can see several changes in common ranks, SC ranks, St ranks which ultimately results in the shifting of JEE Advanced Cut off list every year.

During the JoSAA counselling 2020, it was made compulsory that all the colleges who are participating will release their cutoff in terms of opening and closing ranks in JEE Advanced 2020 to make the decision for admission. In order to understand the opening and closing ranks you can check the table below for opening and closing ranks of all top IITs in India for the year 2018:


Institute NameOpening RankClosing Rank
IIT Bombay14018
IIT BHU Varanasi6967376
IIT Delhi74669
IIT Guwahati3666578
IIT Gandhinagar21216299
IIT Hyderabad6325342
IIT Indore13884446
IIT Jodhpur13666895
IIT Kanpur405722
IIT Kharagpur1808430
IIT Chennai325819
IIT Mandi24865146
IIT Patna28196190
IIT Ropar12764152
IIT Roorkee6149290
ISM Dhanbad28457222



The qualifying cut off for JEE Advanced means the minimum number of marks required in order to become eligible for admission in various colleges. This cut off will be different for different categories. Candidates have to score minimum percentage marks in each subject and minimum percentage of aggregate marks so that they can qualify for the rank list. 

It would be difficult to predict the category wise cut off for JEE Advanced 2020 at this point as it varies every year. Candidates can get an idea from the previous years qualifying cut off but it is not necessary that it will remain the same for this year as well. Candidates have to score minimum marks in each subject and minimum percentage of aggregate marks.

Click here to know more about JEE Advanced Syllabus & Dates

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