Advice for the public – How to protect yourself against COVID-19

How to protect yourself against COVID-19


How to protect yourself against COVID-19

In the winter of 2019, a new strain of virus called coronavirus started to show high levels of danger in the city of Wuhan, China. Death rates suddenly gained momentum when other countries like Spain, Italy and the USA started to show a positive sign of coronavirus infected patients. 

As of right now, there are 417,042 COVID-19 cases in the world. The reported death count has been rising rapidly. There have been 18,583 deaths in the last 3 three months. WHO, World Health Organization is continuously putting forth their best efforts to cope up with the worldwide pandemic. 


How to protect yourself against COVID-19…

According to WHO, there are a few measures that can protect you during the Coronavirus outbreak.

Wash hands frequently

Washing your hands with soap and water or an alcohol-based hand-wash kills most of the germs off your hands. This is the basic hygiene routine everyone needs to follow during the coronavirus outbreak.


Social distancing 

Avoid shaking hands or touching your friends or family members. WHO has advised maintaining at least 1-metre distance from people. 

This step is important and will help us to limit the area of impact of COVID-19. If a person unknowingly carries coronavirus and he sneezes or cough there is 98% chance of you getting that virus because of tiny droplets dropped by other people sneezing and coughing.


Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth

One of the easiest and common ways germs enters into our body is through our mouth, nose and eyes. If a person carries the virus on his/her hand and he touches his nose or mouth with the same hand. He is more likely to get the disease and he can also act as the carrier of the disease to other people. So avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth. Wash your hands before entering the house and leaving the house. Use sanitizer before and after eating your meals.


If you have fever, cold, difficulty in breathing, seek medical help.

Fever, cough, headache and difficulty in breathing are all part of the symptoms of coronavirus. If you feel any of these symptoms during these days contact a nearby hospital as soon as possible.


Stay home if you feel unwell

COVID- 19 is more likely to attack people with a slower metabolism. If you have a viral fever or a common cold try to stay at home at all cost. People who are suffering from fever and the common cold are more likely to get the disease than other people. WHO has advised us to stay at home and a lot of countries have already isolated themselves inside their home to stop the spreading of coronavirus.


Wear N95 Masks

One of the most common practices during the corona outbreak is the utilisation of N95 masks. For people who are suffering from cold and fever to people who are going out for groceries. It is very important to wear an N95 mask because it reduces the risk of spreading the virus between people because there is a protective layer which filters the air coming out/in from a person’s mouth.

These were some of the advice for the public to protect themselves during the COVID-19 outbreak. For more information about coronavirus and university-related information.


Further, you can use this link give by Apollo hospitals for self-assessment to assess the level of your risk to exposure of COVID-19 (Coronavirus)

Click here to know more about How to Protect Yourself While Traveling During the Coronavirus

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